Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, it took a while, but I think that we finally got the right combination of medications to ease the hallucinations (I could not have made it through one more psychotic paranoid episode - my dad can only take so many panic calls at 3:00 am from me screaming that nurses are trying to kill me - he is on first name basis with hospital security).  The hallucinations were bad enough when they were bugs and other such gross things, but when they became people and ghosts and things that could be real, they got really scary.  Although, I bet that I am one of the few people in the world that had hallucinations of desserts - beautiful, luscious desserts that no one would share with me - I just wanted one bite!  Yes - totally crazy stuff.  But for now, gone!  Yeah!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Yes, I used all my powers of persuasion to get out of the hospital for a few days.  I am working hard with home healthcare and physical therapy to gain some strength and endurance and be able to walk again - the induced coma was a real setback.  But, hey, I am alive and talking again, so I really can't complain!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


One of the nice things about staying with my parents is that their house has a picture window in the front and a picture window in the back of the house and that there is a cute little wooded area to look at.  (A couple of weeks ago, I actually saw two deer running around in the wooded area - it was freaking me out - way to close to the horrible traffic - I kept waiting for the deer to run in the street).  Well, the snow - fat and wet and fluffy looks so pretty out the window today.  There is a row of evergreens on one side of the house that are just slightly covered in snow - a very pretty winter mix scene.  So calming - so beautiful.  First snow of the season - and it is not even winter yet!  


Well - I did really good getting out of the hospital this time - still a bit weird being released on a late Friday evening, but good to be in my own bed!  So - this hospital stay was from Tuesday to Friday - yeah - shorter is better!  I crashed after getting home last night.  Even though the chemo part is over - there is still lots of meds, fluids, and stuff that I have to do.  So, it is quite the process.  But, apparently it is working!  I don't know what I would do without my dad - he is my "human" alarm clock.  I am on this weird pill schedule and would never take them on time if it wasn't for him.  I feel really bad - he is up bringing me pills and water at all hours of the day and night.  The pill schedule is very important and timing is everything.  I also need to be constantly drinking - what a pain!  So, dad brings the pills (3:00 am ones are the worst) and a bottle of water and makes sure that I swallow them - right then and there - no waiting for later.  Some of the pills are gigantic and some of them are tiny tiny - they all taste bad.  Some have to be eaten with food and some on an empty stomach - dad has the whole schedule (which changes each time I leave the hospital).  He actually types it (yes, on an electric typewriter) each time we get out of the hospital and it changes.  I am very fortunate to have so many people working to keep me on track and well!  The other weird thing about the meds is that they make me really cold.  So, needless to say, the heat is turned way up.  So, poor dad, who is always hot, is walking around the house in flip flops and shorts - I feel like I am at some strange beach resort!  I am bundled in jammies and blankets and lots of layers.