Saturday, October 23, 2010

No Whole Brain Radiation

Hi - sorry that I have not updated the Blog lately - let's just say, that life has gotten in the way. And, for the most part, that is a very good thing! Life in itself is a good thing. It is nice to be alive. "Having a life" is a good thing as well. It is nice to be back to some "normal" activities. But, as we all know, even the normal activities can be time consuming and stressful. For those who have not been updated, I have been rather busy - house floods, dear friend's wedding and reception, out-of-town guests, celebration, and lots and lots of doctor's and therapy appointments.

A lot of people have been asking, and I am sorry that it took me so long to let you know my decision, but after the consultation with the Radiation Oncologist, I wanted to consult with my Oncologist. Then, of course, the Oncologist sent me to see a Neurologist. So, eventhough my decision did not change, I wanted to be certain of my decision before broadcasting it to everyone. I have decided NOT to have whole brain radiation. It was a tough decision. So many risks involved on both sides. At this time, with the cancer gone, I am not willing to take the risks of having the radiation.

I will give you more updates later. But for now, know that all things on the cancer front seem to be going well - I will be having another brain MRI in late November.

For now "Go Ravens" and keep sending the positive thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

FACE BOOK - A Good Thing and a Bad Thing

I have mostly thought that Face Book (FB) is not a good thing. Way too much information being shared with way too many people - most of which are not your friends! I do have a FB page. I joined a couple of years ago when a friend from high school, Class of 1977, one year ahead of me, was meeting with some other friends from the Class of 1977 for lunch. I went to the luncheon and had a nice time and reunited with a few old friends. All the women in the group had FB pages and wanted me to have one so that I could share some photographs from high school with them and then I could also view some of the things that they ad posted. So, soon thereafter, I joined FB and uploaded some pictures from high school, found some old friends and shared a few good memories. All of which, were the good things about FB. FB makes it to easy to share information and photographs with a large group of people all at the same time and that group of people can enjoy or ignore your information, at there own pace and time. It is also a nice way to find and connect with friends and relations from long ago or far away. We have all heard of some of the bad aspects of FB as well. There are those who use it to burglarize houses or spy on former friends and/or enemies. There is also a lot of people that use FB to promote themselves, their businesses, their political views and/or beliefs and agendas. I find it interesting how many people get hooked on the FB games - virtual farming and warring is all the rage in some circles. I also find it interesting to see which people are on FB all the time and which ones barely ever post to their page. I am sure that eventually, their will be syndromes named for all the various types of FB people. I have recently had a few good experiences due to FB. One, was being "found" by a friend from my old Northeast Baltimore neighborhood who now lives in Alaska. Yes, the young girl that I used to walk to the library with and buy ice ream cones with at the local Highs store, now lives in Alaska! I have not had any contact with her in approximately 25 years, so it was rather exciting and interesting to hear her story and know that she lives in Alaska. The other nice thing that FB did for me was reunite me with another old childhood friend from my Northeast Baltimore neighborhood. That friend has been struggling with health problems for the last few years and has also been fighting cancer for a couple of years as well. We conversed a little on FB and he mentioned that there was a neighborhood reunion coming up. I knew about the reunion and probably would not have attended - too much to do, too chilly - might rain - I had lots of excuses. Well, I attended only because my friend with cancer had checked himself out of the hospital just so that he could be at the reunion. After hearing that, all of my excuses seemed silly. How could I not attend? My chemotherapy treatments are over. I am feeling stronger every day. My friend has endured so much - surgeries and procedures and more surgeries and more procedures. It was bittersweet seeing him, he was not the young, handsome, vibrant, long haired hippy that I remembered from the neighborhood. He was now a 50 year old man battling cancer with all the side effects that come with each and every treatment. But his eyes shone with the same brilliance that I remembered from our youth. He was so excited to be there and to see me. He was so upbeat and had such a positive attitude that he seemed to glow. I am thankful to FB for reconnecting me with this friend. I guess that like all things, FB is good and bad.