Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have never been so happy to see Spring arrive! Even the weather is warm and sunny. This has been a wonderful week. I am feeling good - getting stronger every day and best of all, I am not in the hospital (yet). I went to my own house twice this week - the croscuses in my back yard are already blooming and tulip leaves are peeping out of the ground. I was shocked when I saw them. The last time I was there, that part of the yard was snow covered. The garden that I dug out last year at the bottom of my yard is still empty, but I am determined to make it a rose garden this year - I am just waiting for the rose bushes to be in the store and a little more strength - I have wanted a rose garden since I was a little girl on Shamrock Avenue and I am determined to have a rose garden this year. It is a small garden, most likely only big enough for three or four rose bushes. One of the bushes must be Peace roses - yellow blossoms with a hint of pink at the ends. We had a rose bush like that in the tiny garden in our yard on Shamrock Avenue and I loved those roses so much - I have always wanted to grow them. I wish that the garden as a little bigger, but it was hard enough digging out that space and building the little brick wall around it last summer, so I knew that smaller was better and easier to maintain. I tried to complete it last summer, but apparently no one sells rose bushes in July! I couldn't even order them online. Well, the rose bushes will be available real soon and I will buy them and plant them and have my very own rose garden - soon!

It was nice to be in my own home, even if it was only for a couple of hours. It was also a bit overwhelming - it has such a neglected look about it. Christmas wrapping paper is still sitting out on the table, the bag of clothes that I was putting together (back in October) to take to the Goodwill is still sitting on the basement floor. The dining room table still has an arrangement of Fall flowers with a circle of glass yellow and brown acorns around it. I did remember to take down the Christmas wreath from the door the last time that I was there! I had to empty out the pantry - a lot of the canned and boxed goods were expired! I didn't even remember buying some of it - but apparently I had caught a good sale on Jello Cook and Serve Pudding - chocolate and vanilla - I had about 8 boxes, which is a lot of pudding for a person that lives alone! The boxes of pudding are all good until 2011, so I took them to my parents house. I guess me and dad will be eating a lot of pudding in the next few months! :) So much to do, so little time - but I am thankful that I was given the giftof time.

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