Monday, May 31, 2010
Post Chemo Weekend - A lot of fatigue and Congestion
I am not feeling that well this weekend. This chemo treatment really wore me out. Very very fatigued - no enery whatsover. Also, I am a bit congested - I think that it is an allergy attack, but will check with the doctor on Wednesday. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! We always celebrate my sister's birthday on Memorial Day weekend, but since I was a little under the weather, we kept things quiet and inside - I didn't want to breath in any heat and/or pollen. I will update you on Wednesday after the doctor and lab work.
Schooners - October 14, 2009 5:59 pm

I was deleting some texts and pictures from my cell phone while having my chemotherapy treatment this time and came upon some picture messages that really had the memories flowing. I guess that having texts since last October is part of the reason that my phone works so slow! I was working in the office a little late on October 14, 2009 and had a bit of a headache. A group of attorneys with windows facing the Harbor walked around and mentioned that there were schooners in the Harbor and if we went around to the corner office, there was a really good view. Well, after looking from the window at the schooners and chit chatting for a few minutes, I thought that I would take a walk outside and maybe capure them on my cell phone and send them to my friend Dave (UPS driver with a downtown route) and maybe my nephew Ryan. So, I walked outside, crossed Pratt Street, went behind the World Trade Center, stood on the pier and took pictures of the schooners. I exchanged texts and pictures with Ryan and David for abour a half an hour (David could see them from where he was). I was going to stop at Panera Bread and buy a coffee, but was being frugal and thought that I would just have some free tea or coffee in the office. After that, I went back to the office with what I thought was a clearer head, and worked a few more minutes. I did make myself a cup of tea - that is a funny story for another time. Then suddenly I saw flashing lights before my eyes (yes - you have all heard the "detached retina self diagnosis story by now). Well, if I put this all in perspective, it was a good thing that I didn't pass out into the Harbor or along the promenade (my body may still not have been recovered! :) Or heaven forbit - spilled a four dollar cup of coffee on me in front of Panera Bread as I collapsed to the hard pavement. There is a couple of ways that I could look at this chain of events - the one being that I was glad that I stopped to smell the roses (or schooners as the case may be). Also, it is good to know that before the incident and trip to the Emergency Room, I was doing something fun and happy with my co-workers. I keep telling everyone how fortunate I have been - even though this brain cancer thing has been a really terrible ordeal. The schooners were a reminder of good fortune and pleasant memories that I had not thought about since it happened. I am not usually spontaneous like that - I am not sure why I as that day. I do know that I am happy to have enjoyed the schooners!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Well, although I got in the hospital early and chemo started off good and early - I was actually discharged from the hospital late! I just can't win with this system. I didn't get out of the hospital until after 5:00 pm, which caused my sister to be running late and we had to get Hannah to Girl Scouts and get me something to eat - so it was a whirlwind trip home from the hospital. But, at least it is over. My lab work was real good when I left the hospital, except for potassium - it has been very low all week. But again, they give it to me with all the fluids - so it goes right in and right out! Anyway, if you have never taken a potassium pill, you have no idea how gigantic they are - tough to swallow! I am tired, but feeling okay. I'll post more tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for their calls and positive thoughts and prayers, etc.
Monday, May 24, 2010
They called early today - hope they can get started early as well! Feeling a bit stuffed up - think that it is allergies. Hope that does not slow things down. Hate to go, but want it over with. Catch up with you later in the week when I am discharged!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Today is Mother's Day and I am very appreciative that I am fortunate enough to have my mom alive and a part of my life. Everyone has probably heard me complain about my mom and her over protectiveness or her obsession with food and eating and/or feeding people. Mom can also cause me to go from perfectly calm to absolutely stressed out in a matter of seconds. We all complain about the people that we love and I know that I complain about my mom, but I also know that I love my mom and that I am really lucky to have her. And of course, I don't just mean now, because I need mom to help me out during my illness - yes she has surely done that. But no, I appreciate mom for all of the years of my life and all the sacrifices that she made for me and my brother and sister. Mom is part of a different generation that didn't worry as much about their daughters being educated - the bigger worry with daughters is that they find a suitable husband. Although my mom has always worried about me finding a suitable husband (and she still is worrying about it!), she made sure that all of her children graduated from high school. My mom also encouraged us to further our education - Bonnie went on to barber school and I went on to graduate from college. Well, Tony is another story - let us just say that he became very street smart, ut he has worked in many different occupations - everything from construction to short order cook! Well - remember to give your mom a big hug today. I know that I will give mine a hug and I'll let her know just how much I love her and also that I appreciate her very much!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I am saddened by the passing this week of my sister's friend, Connie, from brain cancer. Connie was one of the "school network" of friends that my sister has. The school network has been a wealth of great support to my sister and me and are responsible for lots of laughter due to the humorous emails that they forward. They have also showered me with prayers and good wishes, all of which are greatly appreciated. Connie's two children attend the same school as my niece Hannah. When I was first diagnosed with the brain cancer, Connie offered my sister compassion and advice. She had been fighting brain cancer for some time and had been through various treatments and knew how difficult some of the side effects were. She wanted to share information that would help me get through the treatments with less side effects. My sister had warned me of the horrible metal taste that could occur during chemotherapy long before I had ever experienced it, and thanks to Connie, I had some home remedies to help alleviate it. She shared a secret concoction of various over the counter medicines that was good for mouth sores as well.
I did not know Connie well, but had met her at a school function or fundraiser here or there. My sister kept me updated on Connie's battle with cancer and I know that my sister kept Connie updated on my own struggles. It may seem strange, but I felt a certain kinship with Connie - we were both traveling a path that neither of us wanted to be on. A treacherous path with an unknown outcome. Connie traveled her path not only for herself, but for her husband and two children. As with all difficult journeys, we both knew that the key was to keep moving forward, as best as we could. Connie was a strong woman of great faith and courage. Via my sister, she sent me some Holy Water, positive thoughts and good wishes and lots of encouragement. She gave my sister support during my major health setback during the holiday season. She helped my sister be hopeful, even when there didn't seem to be much hope. My body (with the help of faith, family, friends and medical professionals) overcame that major health setback and I have struggled with renewed determination to fight the cancer and someday be in remission. I know that Connie was also determined to stay on the path to recovery and remission and that her own faith, family, and friends were helping her. But sadly, Connie's cancer path had taken a bumpier course recently and I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing. I know that Connie was a woman of great faith and I am positive that she was welcomed into Heaven with a strong warm and loving embrace. I thank God that her struggles are over and wish her family and friends comfort during this time of grief. May each of us remember to celebrate Connie's life and the lives of those that she touched with her grace. I know that Connie's spirit and kindness will always be remembered by me and my family.
I did not know Connie well, but had met her at a school function or fundraiser here or there. My sister kept me updated on Connie's battle with cancer and I know that my sister kept Connie updated on my own struggles. It may seem strange, but I felt a certain kinship with Connie - we were both traveling a path that neither of us wanted to be on. A treacherous path with an unknown outcome. Connie traveled her path not only for herself, but for her husband and two children. As with all difficult journeys, we both knew that the key was to keep moving forward, as best as we could. Connie was a strong woman of great faith and courage. Via my sister, she sent me some Holy Water, positive thoughts and good wishes and lots of encouragement. She gave my sister support during my major health setback during the holiday season. She helped my sister be hopeful, even when there didn't seem to be much hope. My body (with the help of faith, family, friends and medical professionals) overcame that major health setback and I have struggled with renewed determination to fight the cancer and someday be in remission. I know that Connie was also determined to stay on the path to recovery and remission and that her own faith, family, and friends were helping her. But sadly, Connie's cancer path had taken a bumpier course recently and I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing. I know that Connie was a woman of great faith and I am positive that she was welcomed into Heaven with a strong warm and loving embrace. I thank God that her struggles are over and wish her family and friends comfort during this time of grief. May each of us remember to celebrate Connie's life and the lives of those that she touched with her grace. I know that Connie's spirit and kindness will always be remembered by me and my family.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Today, I drove my car for the first time since October 14, 2009 - the day I left work feeling a bit odd and wound up in the Emergency Room and later in the wee hours of the next morning was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maybe "drove my car" is a little bit misleading. What I actually did was back my car into the driveway from the front street. Really - I still have a valid drivers license! My first thought was "how %&*%& hot is this steering wheel"? I was not thinking that the car had been sitting directly in the sun for hours and when I put my hands on the steering wheel, I almost screamed. My second thought was "wow, this feels weird" and my third thought was "yeah - let's get on the road again (I am way sick of being "Miss Daisy")". No, I am not crazy (or a big risk taker), I know that I am not permitted to drive yet, and I won't. The car just needed to be moved out of the way of the mail box and it seemed like a good idea to get the feel of the wheel again. I am signed up for the Adaptive Driving Class in early June - it is more of an evaluation than a class, so after that, I will know what I need to do in order to drive legally (maybe nothing; maybe some classes or bigger mirrors; and maybe a big ordeal - remember that the MVA will be involved!). I am truly grateful for everyone that has driven me to appointments, stores, errands, and lunches, etc., but I really need to drive again. I had no idea how not being able to drive limits your freedom and independence. Soon - real soon!
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