I was deleting some texts and pictures from my cell phone while having my chemotherapy treatment this time and came upon some picture messages that really had the memories flowing. I guess that having texts since last October is part of the reason that my phone works so slow! I was working in the office a little late on October 14, 2009 and had a bit of a headache. A group of attorneys with windows facing the Harbor walked around and mentioned that there were schooners in the Harbor and if we went around to the corner office, there was a really good view. Well, after looking from the window at the schooners and chit chatting for a few minutes, I thought that I would take a walk outside and maybe capure them on my cell phone and send them to my friend Dave (UPS driver with a downtown route) and maybe my nephew Ryan. So, I walked outside, crossed Pratt Street, went behind the World Trade Center, stood on the pier and took pictures of the schooners. I exchanged texts and pictures with Ryan and David for abour a half an hour (David could see them from where he was). I was going to stop at Panera Bread and buy a coffee, but was being frugal and thought that I would just have some free tea or coffee in the office. After that, I went back to the office with what I thought was a clearer head, and worked a few more minutes. I did make myself a cup of tea - that is a funny story for another time. Then suddenly I saw flashing lights before my eyes (yes - you have all heard the "detached retina self diagnosis story by now). Well, if I put this all in perspective, it was a good thing that I didn't pass out into the Harbor or along the promenade (my body may still not have been recovered! :) Or heaven forbit - spilled a four dollar cup of coffee on me in front of Panera Bread as I collapsed to the hard pavement. There is a couple of ways that I could look at this chain of events - the one being that I was glad that I stopped to smell the roses (or schooners as the case may be). Also, it is good to know that before the incident and trip to the Emergency Room, I was doing something fun and happy with my co-workers. I keep telling everyone how fortunate I have been - even though this brain cancer thing has been a really terrible ordeal. The schooners were a reminder of good fortune and pleasant memories that I had not thought about since it happened. I am not usually spontaneous like that - I am not sure why I as that day. I do know that I am happy to have enjoyed the schooners!
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