Friday, June 25, 2010
Another long week in the hospital, but everything went well. Feeling a litle bit tired, but okay otherwise. Potassium and Magnesium were very low, but they poured some in through the IV (and gave me big gigantic pills), so think that is okay now. One of these days I'll get out of the hospital in the morning - they always promise, but I never get out until after dinner! Mom and Dad picked me up and brought me home and cooked a nice fish dinner and baked potato (to boost that potassium), so all is well for now and I am just resting. There was some things that I really wanted to do tomorrow, but think that I will abstain and stay out of the heat and regain my strength. I tried to keep up my exercises while in the hospital and do feel a bit stronger than when I usually get home - so that is a good thing. Nice to be home - can't wait to shower and sleep in my comfy bed! I'll send an update soon.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I really don't know where the time between chemotherapy treatments goes! One minute I am being discharged from the hospital and the next minute I am packing my bag to go back to the hospital. These last three weeks absolutely flew by - mostly because of so many different appointments - driving stuff, physical therapy, eye exam, doctors, lab work, etc. but also, paperwork and phone calls to insurance companies, etc. -talk about more draining than being sick! The other day, I spent about 35 minutes on the phone about a "final notice" sent by a collection agency, only to find out that the invoice had been paid in full by the health insurance company back in April! So annoying. Anyway, aside from a little bit of allergy related stuff (runny nose, watery eyes, etc.) I am feeling well and fairly strong. As much as i don't want to go to the hospital for treatment tomorrow, I am anxious to get one more over with! I keep writing lists of the stuff that I need to take care of between treatments, but I never seem to check much off of my list - there is never enough time! Hopefully after the next treatment I'll get to spend more time at my house and get it a little more ready to move back into. I also need to complete a few projects that I started months ago - I really need to complete something - I never seem to complete anything! I'll try to add something in the morning before I leave for the hospital.
My sister, her family and I took my dad to breakfast for Father's Day this morning. Dad has been a source of great strength to me during my illness. He makes sure that I take my medications on time and checks to confirm that I don't need any refills. He knows exactly when the pharmacy opens and closes! He also takes me to a lot of my doctors and physical therapy appointments - as you know, I can't drive, so "Miss Daisy" is my new nickname. Taking someone to an appointment doesn't sound like much of a problem, but I have so many appointments that it makes it all rather complicated. Dad navigates all the traffic issues and timing issues for each appointment and knows where all the closest parking garages are. But the real annoying part must be the sitting and waiting for me - sometimes (a lot of the time), the doctors keep me waiting well past my appointment time. Dad is out in the waiting room or wandering through the building waiting for me. Every now and then he loses track of where I am and begins a search until he finds me (everyone in the Treatment Center and at the Hospital knows him!). Anyway, a special thanks to my dad for being here to help me navigate this road to recovery and also for being a good dad all these years! A Happy Father's Day wish to all the dad's out there!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Well, you can probably already tell that I am totally frustrated. I passed the first part of the driving evaluation and at the end of the second part of the evaluation (which was the actual on-road driving part), I was told that I did very well and that I passed. So, I was so happy that I could burst with joy and then the driving therapist told me that she would recommend to the MVA that I needed 3 or 4 driving classes with a therapist (BTW - they cost $100.00 per hour!). Can you believe that - I passed, but still have to take special driving classes???!! She explained to me that I didn't just have a vision issue, but a brain issue and she felt that it was in everyone's best interest for me to take the classes and learn to be a better and safer driver with my disability. I didn't know whether to cry or scream! On top of the taking classes and the money, there is a timing issue. In order to fit the classes in-between my chemo treatments and into the therapists schedule, it means that I won't complete the classes until the end of August! At that point, she will still have to send all the test results and paperwork to the MVA - and we all know just how quick the MVA is! Oh, and on tope of that, she believes that the MVa will require that I retake the written and driving parts of the Maryland Driver Certification. Well, I am certain that that costs even more money and time, etc. I just can't believe that this driving thing is going to get dragged out for many more months - SCREAM!
Friday, June 11, 2010
It has been a banner week. I went to my last scheduled outpatient physical therapy appointment yesterday. I don't have to go back unless I need to. I am not back to my pre-brain cancer strength or endurance, but that will come in time (as long as I keep up with the exercises, etc.). Anyway, great to have one more set of appointments (and co-pays!) off my plate. PS: I loved the place that I had PT and really thought that the therapist was good - if you need a recommendation, let me know. Yeah, that is one more obstacle over with on my road to recovery!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Well, finally, I took the first part of the Adaptive Driving Evaluation that I am required to take prior to the MVA deciding if I can retain my drivers license. By Maryland Law, I am required to notify the MVA regarding my license for two reasons: (1) the brain sugery is considered a "traumatic brain injury" and (2) any loss of vision must be reported to the MVA and I experience some loss of the peripheral vision in my left eye (due to the tumor and possibly the surgery to remove the tumor). My oncologist gave me a prescription for the Adaptive Driving Evaluation which initially consists of two parts. The first part was a series of tests to check my reflexes, multi-tasking abilities, vision, depth of perception, etc. It was much more difficult than I thought that it would be and all of the tests had to be done in a certain amount of time. Well, I passed the first part! I take the second part next week, which is the actual driving portion of the evaluation. After that, all of the data is sent to the MVA and they will make a determination to restrict or void my current license or to require additional testing and/or training, etc. Keep your fingers crossed - I am tired of being Miss Daisy. If I don't get to keep my license, I will not be a happy camper!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I feel like I was discharged from the hospital just hours ago, not a whole week ago! Time out of the hospital just flies by. I didn't do much this week because I was feeling a little under the weather. I am getting some of my strength back and am not as congested. The doctor did a chest x-ray, and it was okay, so no worries of pneumonia. I just need to rest, drink fluids, take my antibiotics and get better. It is funny how a little congestion is such a worry when you have other issues (like a chemotherapy treatment schedule to keep). In my pre-cancer life, I would get a sinus attack or bad cold and take some over the counter medicines, rest a little and get better without any worries. Now - I stress over every cough and of course, even the thought of pneumonia is a nightmare thought. This road to recovery sure is full of interesting challenges and new perspectives on what is no big deal and what is not.
One really nice thing that I was able to do this weekend was that I was well enough to attend a surprise birthday party at Fogo De Chao for my friend Janet. Fogo De Chao is a churrascaria, also known as a Brazilian Steakhouse. I have been to a restaurant like this in New York City once, but had not been to Fogo De Chao on Pratt Street yet. It is an interesting concept - a giant "salad" bar containing salad fixings and smoked meats and cheeses. The salad bar itself was more than enough food, but there was also cooked, beef, lamb, and pork, etc. carried around on giant skewers by gauchos and sliced for individuals tableside. It was quite interesting watching all the skewers of meat be carried around the restaurant - sort of like a ballet of food. I am sure that all of the food was fabulous and I know that the meat was tender and juicy, but my taste buds are not what they usually are, so I can not be a good food critic right now. What I do know is that Janet has a wonderful famiily and group of friends that really love and respect her and that I was really honored to be invited to such a fun celebration. It was really a nice evening.
One really nice thing that I was able to do this weekend was that I was well enough to attend a surprise birthday party at Fogo De Chao for my friend Janet. Fogo De Chao is a churrascaria, also known as a Brazilian Steakhouse. I have been to a restaurant like this in New York City once, but had not been to Fogo De Chao on Pratt Street yet. It is an interesting concept - a giant "salad" bar containing salad fixings and smoked meats and cheeses. The salad bar itself was more than enough food, but there was also cooked, beef, lamb, and pork, etc. carried around on giant skewers by gauchos and sliced for individuals tableside. It was quite interesting watching all the skewers of meat be carried around the restaurant - sort of like a ballet of food. I am sure that all of the food was fabulous and I know that the meat was tender and juicy, but my taste buds are not what they usually are, so I can not be a good food critic right now. What I do know is that Janet has a wonderful famiily and group of friends that really love and respect her and that I was really honored to be invited to such a fun celebration. It was really a nice evening.
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