Sunday, June 20, 2010


My sister, her family and I took my dad to breakfast for Father's Day this morning. Dad has been a source of great strength to me during my illness. He makes sure that I take my medications on time and checks to confirm that I don't need any refills. He knows exactly when the pharmacy opens and closes! He also takes me to a lot of my doctors and physical therapy appointments - as you know, I can't drive, so "Miss Daisy" is my new nickname. Taking someone to an appointment doesn't sound like much of a problem, but I have so many appointments that it makes it all rather complicated. Dad navigates all the traffic issues and timing issues for each appointment and knows where all the closest parking garages are. But the real annoying part must be the sitting and waiting for me - sometimes (a lot of the time), the doctors keep me waiting well past my appointment time. Dad is out in the waiting room or wandering through the building waiting for me. Every now and then he loses track of where I am and begins a search until he finds me (everyone in the Treatment Center and at the Hospital knows him!). Anyway, a special thanks to my dad for being here to help me navigate this road to recovery and also for being a good dad all these years! A Happy Father's Day wish to all the dad's out there!

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