Saturday, January 22, 2011


What a way to start the week, total hip replacement! I am not happy about it, but I guess that I am prepared. The good part is that I will be the first surgery of the day - that way I'll get the surgery part over with fast. The bad part is that the physical therapy can be grueling and it will tie me down for about six weeks. Sort of unfair, I was finally getting some freedom and driving again and also staying at my own house. Now, all that will stop again. Oh well, not much that I can do about it, but work on my recovery and heal as fast as I can. Just one more obstacle to overcome.


  1. Keeping you in my prayers. Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back on the road. So good to hear the news from your Oncologist. Keep the good reports coming. You truly are adorable!! Hope to see you soon. Sending strength and prayers your way.

    Love ya

  2. Thank You! If it were not for all the support of good friends and family, I would not have made it this far! Debbie
