Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28

I had my PET scan today and awaiting the results. Feeling good!


  1. Hey, Deb, that is great to hear....looking forward to many more "good" days

  2. Deb, great picture "Go Ravens"

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Debbie; I'm testing to see if this will work

  5. Woke up early, but heading back to bed. I am going to miss the freedom of doing what I want when I head back to the hospital on Monday.

  6. I just want to tell everyone that if you do not have one of the accounts listed to post (Under select profile), you can do it anonymously, and sign your name so Debbie knows who it is coming from. It will be the last choice to pick from. Dave

  7. Hi Deb,

    So glad to hear the good news about your PET scan. Great picture!! Wishing you a speedy recovery ~ Love, Joyce

  8. Thanks Joyce - I know that Bonnie is keeping you informed. Thanks to you and your family for all their support. Your mom sent me the most beautiful card!

  9. Deb,
    You are an A+ in our eyes! Ray Lewis would be proud to hear you are going to "Kick some Cancer Butt." You go girl!!!!! Sounds like you are in the best hands possible which I'm sure is comforting. I'm looking forward to the celebration in June when you are all better and this is behind you. Love, Joyce


    Did you know Debbie is the only family member that I know of to graduate from college?
    Did you know Debbie went to ceramic class with Joyce W., Sara N. and me.
    Did you know I made Debbie and Tom take me to her college parties because I have never been to one and will probably never go to one.
    Did you know when Debbie was just married Sara and I would go over her house every Tuesday to watch Moonlighting and get fed.(That's when Bruce Wilis had hair)
    Did you know when I had Ryan, Debbie broke her leg, so I had two people to take care of one in a stroller and one in a wheel chair, they both work the same way-me pushing them.
    Did you know when I had Hannah, Debbie was growing her hair back from cancer and the nurse in the hospital wanted to know if we were sisters, like the Ellen Degeneres kind.
    Did you know Debbie is the devil egg queen and I'm just the QUEEN, o.k. she's older so that will make me the PRINCESS.
    Did you know my kids call her all the time when they need help with their homework, did I mention she went to college, my job as a parent is to keep their hair looking stylish, what more do they want.

  11. Comment from Debbie: My sister has a way with words! We are not very alike and when we were little, I hated having a little sister - she was always following me around and playing with my toys and being a pest. My older brother and I would make up names to call her to make her cry. Oh and for years she could not sleep in a dark room because of the story of Johnny's liver coming up the steps to get her (that I would tell her every chance that I got). We had a German Shepherd dog, Rocco, when we were little and he didn't ever come to our room - one night he must have needed to go out and came to our room - his pointy ears in the dark looked like the devil was visiting us - I got a lot of mileage out of that story - poor Bonnie, we really teased our little sister - I better be careful, I am a bit vulnerable now, she could really get back at me. Well - she has grown up to be just as pesky and she sure has been there for me a lot over the years. She has had to take care of me more than once, but she also gets the benefits of my excellent cooking for all the holidays and I am a bit of an on-call nanny, babysitter, tutor, etc. I was dreaming of doing homework while undergoing surgery! I was also dreaming of sending e-mails - our minds think that wackiest things when under the influence of drugs!
