Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1000 Cranes of Hope

1 comment:

  1. I found this website in "CURE" Magazine and liked it. A person can leave a message of hope on a floating origami crane and a donation is made to cancer research for every message left. The website is run by a pharmaceutical company and I am not advertising for them or endorsing them in any way. I just really like the messages of hope and of course, I love origami cranes. There were over 1800 messages on the website at the time I left two messages. The website will give you a link to your own message or you can click on any crane to view someone elses' message. Oddly enough, I was viewing messages randomly and actually found the message that I had left!!! I know, I would not have believed it, but the message was very unique and could not have been left by anyone else!
