Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I had to share this - my dad brought home a copy of The Avenue, a local area newspaper.  I was flipping though it looking at all the BINGO dates and church and community festivities.  I fell upon a little "thank you" from one of the reporters for the paper.  She was thanking the community for their support during her SEVENTH recurrence of cancer.  I was floored.  I can not even imagine fighting cancer for the seventh time.  WOW, what a strong lady.  It sounded like her treatments were over for this seventh round and she was so positive  Anyway, I just wanted to send some positive thoughts her way and to say that hearing stuff like that really puts things in perspective.  So much to be thankful for - sometimes we just need to open our eyes.


  1. Isn't that the truth! I was working today and talking to one of my customers and complaining about the "lovely 95" traffic I deal with every morning coming into work, and was late AGAIN! She told me her daughter went through that also.....until she lost her job this week! I guess I will keep going down 95 @ a snails place and like it!
    Great to hear all is going well with you and hope all goes well next week with your 2nd treatment!

  2. My parents house is very close to to 95 and I hear the traffic helicopters every morning - rush hour traffic sucks!

  3. Hi Debbie, enjoying your blog, u sound good. 695 no better than 95, actually Reisterstown Rd is the worst. J
