Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I had blood work done and met with the Nurse Practitioner today. All the blood work came back normal except for my potassium levels came back high. The chemotherapy treatments deplete my potassium levels and I usually get it intravenously during chemo (apparently low potassium has bad effects on the heart). After chemotherapy I usually need to take potassium pills (which are gigantic and hard to swallow), but I have not taken them for over a week. I guess that I am eating too many bannanas and baked potatoes (I have no idea what else could be making my levels high). So, I have to limit my bannana intake and aside from that, all is good. Good thing that I am not a monkey - I would starve!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb ~

    So glad to hear your levels are good except for your Potassium. Hopefully that will come down once you stop eating the bananas. I know you have to feel like your life is returning to normal somewhat. I hope you're out enjoying this nice WARM weather.

    Take care,
