Monday, August 30, 2010

Funny Story - Engelbert Humperdinck

This is one of those stories that is funnier if told in person, but I wanted to share it anyway because it made me laugh. Hannah, my sister's 10 year old daughter, was visiting with my parents and I on Friday when the mail was deleivered. In the mail was a postcard advertisement for a concert in Atlantic City NJ. The postcard has a picture of the singer and his name on it. His name is Engelbert Humperdinck. Well, Hannah first made fun of the way that the singer looked and wanted to know who would go to see someone so "old" sing. But then, she kept trying to say his hame - over and over again, sort of accenting different parts of the name each time she said it. With each pronunciation, we laughed harder and harder. Well, I couldn't stop laughing. It really is a funny name. She kept saying "why would someone name their baby that?". She was very curious as to how one would know that Engelbert was a boys name! Anyway, I saw the post card again and just cracked up. Even in this day and age with the strange names of various singers and artists,the name Englebert Humperdinck is a pretty funny name! Go ahead, say it out loud three times real fast and see if it makes you laugh!

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